Saturday, January 30, 2010

GAME Plan for Technology Standards, Continued

I have just started a unit with my sophomores themed around civic responsibilities. We read a short story based on a real natural disaster. It is about a village that was destroyed in an avalanche. One girl was found buried in mud up to her neck. The rescuers were unable to pull her out, and she died after 48 hours. In the fictional story, a reporter puts down his microphone and camera to try to save her. He spends 3 days with her, finally accepting that he can't save her but doesn't leave her side, so she doesn't die alone. This unit includes 2 persuasive articles advocating a need for protection of good Samaritan acts in our country.

This unit directly relates to my goal to engage students in exploring real-world issues. I would like any suggestions about how to make the issues as relevant as I can to my students. I did show some pictures of Haiti, Hurricane Katrina, and other recent natural disasters while we listened to part of the story as an introduction to the unit. Later, they will write persuasive letters on current topics important to them. Just brainstorming here: Would a threaded discussion on issues be a good way to help them see a variety of viewpoints? What web sites exist that have discussions on current controversial issues? Maybe I need to find blogs to access. I could group the students from all 5 of my classes into same topic groups and have them contribute to a wiki discussion with each other to help them develop arguments for their letters.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to Meet the Technology Standards

As I consider how to reach my technology goals, I need to make them more concrete and less abstract. The second step to do that is to figure out what resources and information I need. The first step is to identify what I already do, like using a KWL chart.

I already collaborate and communicate using digital tools. I email daily with colleagues, parents, and students to help my students with their learning needs. I also maintain a web page through my school's web site. My page has information on major projects and PDF files of class notes related to the projects, as well as a link to an online version of our textbook.

To further my development in this area, I need to add other educational blogs and sites to my RSS reader and keep up to date with reading them.

My second goal is to engage students in exploring real-world issues. A resource I can use for this is my school's librarian. She is very helpful and can guide me in finding other resources. I plan to have my students write persuasive essays on current issues. The essays will be sent, electronically or via post office, to real audiences. I will need to access local news to help students find topics.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Meeting Technology Standards

I have been using technology in my classroom for several years. It really does engage students more than "traditional" approaches, and considering the proliferation of technology in our world, it is a necessary tool.
The two technology standards for teachers I want to improve my proficiency in are to "Model Digital-Age Work and Learning" and "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity" (ISTE, 2010).
I am going to chart out my GAME plan for these goals:

I. Goals
A. To collaborate and communicate using digital tools
B. To engage students in exploring real-world issues

II. Actions
A. I will work with the technology specialists in my building to use my school's web page efficiently.
B. I will continue taking professional development classes beyond my master's degree.
C. I will collaborate with colleagues, at my school and abroad through the internet, to identify real-world issues that will lend themselves to English content standards.
1. One assignment I am looking at is a persuasive essay in which I will give the students freedom to chose a current issue in the school or community. They will research the issue and write a persuasive letter to a specific audience about the topic. The letters will actually be sent.

III. Monitoring
A. I will keep an archive of digital work I engage students in.
B. I will reach out to my professional learning community for feedback.

IV. Evaluate and Extend
A. I will apply what I learn now to new technologies as they arise.

I feel my plan for evaluating and extending is weak. If anyone reading this has ideas for how I can improve, please share.

The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•T) and Performance Indicators for Teachers. (n.d.). International Society for Technology in Education | Home. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from